A functional program is set of rules that govern a specific output on providing an input. The basic operation in functional programming in composition of functions.
- function f(x) is represented as f x.
- Recursive defination:-
plus(n,m) == plus n m = summation of n and m
succ(m) == m + 1
plus n succ m == succ plus n m
What is a function
In mathematics, a function f with domain S and codomain T can be represented as f: S -> T, where Range R of this function should be subset of codomain T. Similarly in Haskell we can define the function type, input type and output type, where type is a well defined set of certain permitted values.
Haskell, a purely functional programming language
Simply put, Haskell is a programming language for defining functions.
It is two parts:-
- Type of the input and the output
- Rules for computing output from input
Type defination: sqr :: Int -> Int
Computation rule: sqr x = x * x
Haskell is a case-sensitive language.
Basic types in Haskell are:-
- Int
- Float
- Char
- Bool (True or False)
Boolean expressions- && || not < > == \= <= >=